2025 Virtual NERAASA
Friday - Saturday - Sunday
February 21, 22, 23, 2025
Registration Fee: $35
About NERAASA Watch Parties
Several groups within the Northeast Region have expressed an interest in hosting an in-person NERAASA “Watch Party.” - They would like to have members experience the virtual event in a group environment.
We think this is a great idea!
The Committee simply asks that all “Watch Party attendees" practice the principles of our A.A. program: Truth, Love, Honesty and Spiritual Growth.
Our ability to provide this program content is contingent upon individual registrations that cover our costs.
Therefore, we expect all individuals to officially register in order to attend any portion of the 2025 Virtual NERAASA program.
General NERAASA Information
In December 2023, the original host committee for NERAASA 2025 informed the Northeast Regional Trustee (NERT) that they were unable to proceed with hosting the event. The NERT brought this matter to the 18 Area Delegates during the NERD monthly meeting. Each Area then consulted their members to see if they could take on the hosting responsibilities. Since no Area was able or willing to take on the event on their own, Area 45 sought consensus from its members and proposed hosting NERAASA virtually.
Area 45 made this decision for the following reasons:
- The planning time had been significantly reduced.
- It was too short of notice to guarantee their largest hotel had availability for the necessary weekend.
- With the desire to ensure NERAASA 2025 still took place, Area 45 committed to hosting it virtually.
- In February 2024, the NERD meeting of Area Delegates approved this request with a vote of 17-1.
Our experience is that new and returning participant finds it helpful to take notes and attend the Orientation Sessions starting at 3:00pm on Friday February 21.
NERAASA like other AA events is fully inclusive and encourage first time attendees to participate and share (go to the mic) during each panel.
Some members find it helpful to reference the A. A. Service Manual during NERAASA.
Attendees with questions should plan to attend the Online After-Hours Roundtables to Fellowship.
The 2025 Virtual NERAASA host committee knows that fellowship participation is key to a successful NERAASA. We know that it may be tempting this year for members to wait until the week or day before NERAASA starts to register and login. Although it takes all fellowship members to make NERAASA a memorable event, those that register early will have the opportunity to make themselves available for service during the weekend.
There are several Panel host, Presenter, Roundtable Moderator and technology positions that need to be filled by registrants. Registering early and expressing interest in participating provides you with a greater chance of being actively involved during the NERAASA weekend.
There are many AA conferences and conventions held around the world. One of the most common misconceptions of these gatherings is that they are AA meetings and since there are no dues or fees for AA membership, there should be no fees to attend.
Conventions and conferences are special events - not regular meetings. They require months of planning, preparations, and money to present. A large event requires a substantial amount of money. Our Host Committee, Area 45, has developed an itemized budget and, consistent with NERAASA Guidelines, will prepare full financial accounting for the body (at next year’ NERAASA).
2025 Virtual NERAASA is self-supporting. No group monies are used to pay for the event. The cost of the event is paid through registration fees. No baskets are passed. The ideal of any committee is to break even; therefore, the registration fee is nominal compared to the weekend’s worth of AA Service anywhere else. Attendance is voluntary and as responsible AA members, we now “pay our own way.”
We hope you will come and enjoy the fellowship.
Yes, Attendance is voluntary and as responsible AA members, we now “pay our own way.”
We have worked hard to make this event affordable; technology services are expensive!
A group rate is not offered due to the nature of the event; participation involves several Q & A sessions that do not work in a group format virtually.
The Roundtable Sessions are topic specific; this also makes group participation impossible with a group of users attending in one registration link.
Attendance is verified by each individual email address and password.
If the email is already in use at the event, a second attendee will be blocked from entering with the same email address.
We understand that sometimes plans change, and we strive to be flexible in handling registration fees. When refunds are processed, they impact our ability to cover essential costs, such as platform maintenance, and event support—all of which are arranged well in advance to create a smooth experience for attendees.
Therefore, requests for refunds must be made before February 19, 2025.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you to an engaging and impactful event!
Program Attendance
No. During NERAASA there are no overlapping Panels or sessions and attendees are encouraged to participate in the entire program.
Yes, but please note that the roundtable sharing sessions are held simultaneously each evening and participants are encourages to visit the sessions that interest them. There is no pre-registration required for roundtable sharing sessions and no limit for attendance.
Technical Support
This year’s NERAASA is virtual and can be attended through cell phone, personal computer, tablet or laptop. Access to this year’s NERAASA can be obtained through any internet connection.
If in public using free WIFI please remember our anonymity policy and use headphones as needed.
Attendees will have secure, individual access using a personal password tied to the EMAIL ADDRESS provided on the registration form.
Within 48 hours before the event you will receive your password. Be sure to check your spam folder if you haven’t received this link by Thursday, 2/20.
While attending, you can use the CHAT feature to ask for help.
Direct your questions to the Event Host/Tech 12 representative.
Additionally, a technical support phone number will be listed here.
Attendees can TEXT or CALL that number for immediate help.
Registrants can log out and rejoin 2025 Virtual NERAASA as it will be available from Friday afternoon February 21, 2025, at 3:00pm till Sunday morning February 23rd, 2025, until noon.
If you are not familiar with the navigation tools in Zoom, view this tutorial video:
- Having the ability to attend virtually and for the location of your choice
- AI closed captioning for translation
- Live Spanish translation