2025 Virtual NERAASA

Friday - Saturday - Sunday

February 21, 22, 23, 2025

Registration Fee: $35

Join the Team

Attend the Monthly Committee Meeting

Many volunteers are needed to help execute an event of this scale, so if you are interested in lending your talent and skills, please join the monthly Committee Meeting on-line.

The Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 8pm - 9pm

Meeting ID: 977 8582 4932

Passcode: 344126


Zoom Tech Volunteers Wanted

NERAASA 2025 is looking for volunteers with experience in Zoom meetings/webinars. Remote teams will assist during the event (FEB 21.22.23. 2025) from their homes to manage the technical needs of a virtual NERAASA.

If you are "Tech Savvy" and could help with these tasks during NERAASA, please email us below. Training will be provided, but experience with the Zoom platform is a must!

Volunteer Jobs: (Timer for speakers, Security for Zoom bombers, helping attendees with technical connection issues, developing website pages to promote the event, Monitor sessions as a Help Desk assistant)

We understand that volunteers are also attendees, so you will be placed in the appropriate roundtable room so that you can also benefit from the NERAASA experience while lending a hand.

Email to learn more about Volunteer Jobs:

[email protected]

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