About Us
General Service Area 45 of Alcoholics Anonymous (aka "Area 45") is a geographic area that includes parts of Central Jersey and South Jersey. A.A. groups within Area 45 elect General Service Representatives (GSRs) to represent their group in the A.A. Service Structure. One responsibility of a GSR is to take part in back-and-forth communication and dialogue with the person from Area 45 (the "Delegate") that is elected (every 2 years) to represent Area 45 at the annual General Service Conference in New York City.
There are smaller geographic areas within Area 45 that possess their own organization structure, their own activities, and carry the message of A.A. on a more local level. For instance, Area 45 is divided into four "Sections" (1,2,3 and 4) and within these four sections there are smaller groupings called "Districts". Area 45 has an elected panel of six individuals as well as a group of appointed committee chairpersons. The work of A.A. is accomplished by many hands, working together.
Service Events
The Area 45 Handbook explains these key events held throughout the year. Consider attending these events to participate in our service work:
Area Assembly (Quarterly)
Area Committee Meeting (Quarterly)
General Service Convention (Annually)
Mini-Conference (Annually)
Day of Sharing (Annually)
Area Takes Inventory
Members are encouraged to participate in this Inventory Day, to provide feedback to these questions that will be discussed:
Preview of the Inventory Questions
Considering Concept I, "the final responsibility and the ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship", (the A.A. groups today hold ultimate responsibility and final authority ...), do the groups in Area 45 have everything they need to carry out this responsibility, do they have an informed group conscience?
If not, how could Area 45 support and provide what they need?
Does the current agenda, format and scheduling of the Area 45 Assembly effectively address communication and the business to be conducted?
If not, how can Area 45 more effectively communicate and conduct our spiritual business?
How are the steps, traditions and concepts guiding our decisions and actions when we conduct business at assemblies?
Is Area 45 attracting Trusted Servants from different backgrounds?
Are we seeing a good cross‐section of our community, including Young People, Minorities, LGBTQ members, and others?
How is Area 45 using voluntary contributions to provide services to the groups in our Area, is it meeting always focused on our Primary Purpose?
Do our members understand where their contributions are being used and why? How can we better inform them?
If you could change one thing in Area 45, what would it be?
Same question for all of A.A.
If you have questions about this Inventory Day, or would like to provide your feedback, please contact our Area Chairperson: Phil K. Email: [email protected]
Calendar of Events/Meetings
Local A.A. Meetings
The Intergroups are where you can find Hotlines, details for group meetings, local events, etc, as well as the Meeting Guide App. We have 3 Intergroups within Area 45. Please visit their websites for local information.
Cape Atlantic Intergroup
(Atlantic, Cape May, Ocean Counties)
Central Jersey Intergroup
(Mercer County)
South Jersey Intergroup
(Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Ocean, Salem and Cumberland Counties)
Helpful Links
Accessibilities Survey
Are there barriers to accessing A.A. we can address....in our literature, our meetings?
How can we make A.A. easier for anyone with a disability? Please take this survey and help the Accessibility Committee hear your voice.