Below are the email addresses for each Committee Chair and a short description of their duties.
Pat McN
Email: [email protected]
The committee strives to make the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and service events accessible to all AA members. The committee works to remove barriers and insure accommodation for those who are blind or visually impaired; deaf or hearing impaired; chronically ill or homebound; developmentally disabled; physically challenged or have other special needs. The committee is also responsible for programs involving seniors and remote communities.
Roy C.
Email: [email protected]
The Archives Committee is responsible for the preservation of all items relevant to Area 45 history. These items include but are not limited to: Assembly and Committee minutes, Delegate reports, Area 45 group histories, Area 45 Convention displays and history, as well as current and early editions of AA literature.
The committee is also responsible for acquiring and cataloging additional items directly related to Area 45 and Southern New Jersey AA history. Responsibilities of this committee include the preservation and protection of these items for future generations of AA members in Area 45. The Area Chairperson may reappoint the Archives Chairperson. The Archive Committee Chair can serve for six (6) years.
The Archives Committee also displays items in its inventory on a rotating basis at Area 45 assemblies, workshops, and our annual Convention. Regular contact with GSO for assistance and acquisition of Area 45 relevant data and materials is strongly encouraged.
John H.
Email: [email protected]
The Audio-Visual Committee is responsible for the sound system, recording devices, and visual presentation systems for Area 45. The primary responsibility is for the maintenance, setup and operation of the audio and recording equipment for the scheduled assembly meetings in order to record the reports, discussions, and votes for use by the Secretary and as archives of the meetings. The Committee also supports the Mini Conference, the annual Day of Sharing and the Area 45 Annual Convention.
The Audio-Visual Committee, when requested and scheduling permits, supports Sections and District workshops or special events sponsored by the Area Committees.
The Committee is responsible for advising the Panel and Area Committees on audio-visual equipment needs and use.
Maureen D.
Email: [email protected]
The Budget and Finance Chair is the representative of the Budget and Finance Committee that will work to carefully construct a two-year budget for Area 45. This individual should form a committee of current and past panel members as well as interested GSR’s. It is important to have representation of different interests within the Area as part of the committee. A budget that a diverse committee can agree upon will better serve the Area than a budget that only represents the interest of some.
The budget process takes about four months (January – April) to complete and several meetings should be scheduled so that committee members can participate in the process. Duties of the chairperson include organizing and presenting the budget to the Assembly and continuing to advise the Area on financial issues as they arise.
Mark G.
Email: [email protected]
The Convention Committee is established each year to organize and make all arrangements such as: program planning, registration, entertainment, public information, unity, and Al-Anon participation.
The overall nature of the Convention always centers on “General Services” to broaden each participant’s AA knowledge. The Area 45 Convention is a weekend of AA fellowship, service oriented workshops, speaker meetings, marathon meetings, and a banquet.
The goal of this committee is to make the annual Convention a spiritual and uplifting experience, as well as a fun and entertaining weekend for everyone – from our old friends to our newest members.
The convention chair and convention treasurer will form a budget committee to create the convention's budget and present it to the area panel for approval.
Visit the Convention Website to learn more.
Katie T.
Email: [email protected]
The CPC. Committee provides information about AA to those professionals who have contact with alcoholics. These groups include health care professionals, educators, members of the clergy, lawyers, social workers, union leaders, industrial managers, those associated with courts and those working in the field of alcoholism.
The CPC Committee endeavors to increase awareness of these professionals about AA. We cooperate with these professionals and the organizations with which they are connected but we do not affiliate with them.
The Committee cooperates in its efforts with North Jersey Area 44 and the three
Area 45 Intergroups’ Public Information Committees to avoid duplication of effort.
Kelly S.
Email: [email protected]
The primary purpose of this committee is to assist in carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the alcoholic who is confined in either correctional or treatment facilities in Southern New Jersey. In conjunction with our three Intergroups, this committee works with the various administrations of these institutions. The committee members bring meetings and literature into these institutions. Corrections Phone Volunteer Form
The Committee is responsible for facilitation of the “Bridging the Gap” contact service. It is the responsibility of the Corrections Committee to provide and maintain a working PO Box and respond to calls received to assist the alcoholic in bridging the gap from facility to the Fellowship on the outside. A constant pool of volunteers from the Area is needed.
Bridging the Gap , Scott P
Email: [email protected]
Bridging the Gap (BTG) connects Alcoholics who are just coming out of treatment, correctional or other institutions with a Temporary Contact to help introduce them to the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Ken T.
Email: [email protected]
This Area 45 committee meets at every Assembly Meeting to explain the various responsibilities of the GSR and DCM service positions. GSRs are encouraged to join one of the Area 45 committees at this meeting. GSRs are provided with the name and phone number of their DCM. During the orientation meeting, the Area Assembly procedures are explained. Panel and Committee positions are reviewed and new DCMs and GSRs are registered.
Roseanne F.
Email: [email protected]
This committee displays the AA “Meeting in Print,” the Grapevine and La Viña, and related materials from the Grapevine at all Area Assembly and Committee Meetings. It encourages groups to elect a Grapevine or La Viña representative. It encourages groups from Area 45 to support the Grapevine or La Viña magazine. The committee cooperates and supports the Area Intergroups to improve the knowledge and benefits provided by the Grapevine and La Viña.
Email: [email protected]
The Newsletter Committee is responsible for producing a quarterly online newsletter called The Fourth Dimension. This newsletter carries information about Area 45 events and provides a format for exchange of information. It includes Area Assembly and Committee meeting minutes, agenda items for the next Assembly meeting, directions to the next meeting and a listing of Area events.
Frank C.
Email: [email protected]
The Policy Committee utilizes the Traditions and Concepts for Area functions and activities.
This committee updates and maintains the Area Handbook. It also discusses matters of “policy” and subsequently makes recommendations to the Assembly when changes may be required or requested. The Area Handbook changes are voted on at the November assembly and given to incoming Policy Chair for printing to be available for the February assembly.
The chairperson of this committee serves as Area Parliamentarian, standing ready to assist the Area Chairperson in matters concerning Area policy and proper rules of order during Assembly and Committee meetings.
The Policy Committee chairperson also serves as timekeeper at Area Assembly
and Committee meetings as well as at the Area Election Assembly.
The Area Registrar provides labels for all of our Area publications and mailings.
The Area Registrar is a member of the GSR/DCM Orientation Committee. This ensures the Registrar has the opportunity to meet our new GSRs and DCMs.
Bob W.
Email: [email protected]
The primary responsibility of this committee is to make certain that everyone in attendance at Area Assembly and Committee meetings has signed in, been welcomed and received a name tag. The Registration Committee provides the Area Chair and the Policy Committee Chair the correct number of Panel Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and DCMs in attendance at the Assembly meeting in case of a vote.
This committee will attend and assist at other Area events such as the Mini Conference and the Day of Sharing.
Michelle C.
Email: [email protected]
The primary responsibility of this committee is to ....
Carolyn M.
Email: [email protected]
The Area 45 Website Committee is responsible for maintaining the Area’s website.
The purpose of this website is to provide general information about Alcoholics
Anonymous in Southern New Jersey. The Area website provides:
- The Area 45 calendar, with locations and directions, to Area events.
- Email contact for the Area Panel, committee chairs and DCMs.
- Links to the three Intergroups in southern NJ.
- Links to other sites such as GSO and other Area web sites.
Kelly W.
Email: [email protected]
The Workshop Committee chair coordinates the workshop at the Assembly and
provides the assembly attendees an opportunity to participate and learn various aspects of
service, from the home group to the Area level and beyond.
Tom J.
Email: [email protected]
The Virtual Tech Committee is responsible for enabling the Area to host an event virtually. This committee is responsible for maintaining the selected Area virtual platform account, generating and sharing codes and passwords for each event, and maintaining event security.
The committee is responsible for the storage and transport of any equipment, and updating technology as needed.
The committee is also responsible for advising the Area on virtual equipment and technology needs and use.
The chairperson understands the virtual event experience and necessary components.
The chairperson understands the format and virtual needs of all Area events, whether fully virtual or hybrid.
The chairperson is able to produce a cohesive and valuable experience for all participants.
The committee will appoint an Event Technologist for each virtual event.
The Event Technologist encompasses the technical skills to choose and apply the appropriate tools and systems for each event.
Ryan S.
Email: [email protected]
The South Jersey Committee of Young People in AA (SJCYPAA) provides an opportunity for the young people in Southern New Jersey to gather and enjoy the fellowship of other young people.
This committee encourages young people to get involved in every facet of AA service. Although the focus of the committee is on supporting the young people in our Area, all AA members are encouraged to participate.