Held the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83265108750?pwd=gm6boFtbI4SKlH6V9xBKXuDFXwuWh8.1 Meeting ID: 832 6510 8750 Passcode: Area45
All A.A. Members are invited to attend this annual Roundtable Discussion event that brings together all 3 Intergroups in Southern New Jersey.
A complimentary breakfast buffet kicks off the morning, followed by topic discussions lead by Area 45 Alternate Delegate Joe. Table members discuss questions related to Service and Unity within their Intergroup and share their thoughts and ideas to the full group at the end of the event.
This event is HYBRID - allowing On-line participants into a virtual Roundtable for discussion and sharing on the discussion questions.
Volunteers serve as temporary contacts for newcomers leaving treatment ("bridging the gap") on the road to recovery and their introduction to A.A. Meetings. The committee meets on the 2nd THURSDAY of each month at 7pm. Contact the chairperson to learn more. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85064005998?pwd=WStEZFJ1YXdGVGo1QU5HbnZTdjFCQT09 Meeting ID: 850 6400 5998 Passcode: Area45 Email: [email protected]
Event Highlights:
• Panel Discussion: Our panelists will speak for 15 minutes, followed by a roundtable discussion for questions and answers.
• Raffles and Games:
Enjoy fun raffles and engaging games throughout the event.
Join us for an important session where we will conduct a comprehensive Area Inventory, to assess how well we adhere to the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of A.A.
This event is held every two years. All members of A.A. within Area 45 are welcome to attend.
AREA 06 (CNCA 06) OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS PRESENTS TIME: 4 pm West Coast; 7pm East Coast The CNCA06 Tech Committee’s Hybrid Team will Show & Tell its best practices in creating In Person/Online Meetings (Hybrid) Online: Zoom Meeting # 632 553 607 Questions: [email protected]